Intelligent Herbicide Applicator
We use computer vision to power agricultural tools that help farmers in developing countries apply herbicides more effectively and efficiently.
Our Story
We're four Berkeley data science grad students that have developed a a push cart dispenser which identifies weeds and dispenses appropriate herbicides to the targeted species.
Our Vision
Increase food security and help the environment by decreasing the overuse of herbicides by democratizing computer vision and machine learning to help farmers in developing countries efficiently and effectively apply herbicide to weeds while leaving desired crops alone.
We use deep learning, low cost Rasberry Pi hardware, and peristaltic pumps in a state-of-the-art device that takes pictures of weeds and plants, subsequently identifies the weeds, and finally applies the optimal amount of herbicides.
The Power of Deep Learning
We've leveraged Convolutional Neural Networks to train a deep learning image classification model on images from our own farm. We've deployed our model to an edge device that we built to run in the real world.
How it works
Photos are taken and classified locally within the sprayer software ("edge computing") with a model developed in the cloud. Photos and classifications are sent to our cloud database where we provide in-depth analysis in our Enterprise App.
Hardware Device
We use deep learning, low cost Rasberry Pi hardware, and peristaltic pumps in a state-of-the-art device that takes pictures of weeds and plants, subsequently identifies the weeds, and finally applies the optimal amount of herbicides.
Product Demo
Product Demo
Sprayer App Demo
We plan to improve and expand the product and service the following ways:
Add a "plant-in-frame" recognizer, so operator needn't push a button
Add multiple language support to sprayer GUI (e.g. Arabic, French, others)
Improve system for collecting field images for further training (e.g. early season vs. late season images)
Develop hand-held version, with lighter LiPo battery
Add motor drive, row following, for autonomous/semi-autonomous operation
More distant future: Herbicide alternative (e.g. mechanical kill, selective laser heating of weeds)